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UNICEF HK「SDG 行動派」少數族裔青年教育計劃報名表2024-2025 Application form for UNICEF HK SDG Actioner Challenge for Ethnic Minority Youth Programme2024-2025



第一步 Step 1:填妥網上表格 Complete Online Application Form

第二步 Step 2:遞交補充文件 Submit Supplementary Documents*
請把電郵主旨填寫為:參加UNICEF HK SDG行動派計劃 
Please fill in the Email Subject as: Application for UNICEF HK SDG Actioner Challenge
遞交已簽署的聲明書:請修改檔案名稱為「英文姓氏 + 英文名字 + 手提電話的首4位數字_Declaration」
Submission of signed declaration: Please rename the file as "Last name+First name+first 4 digit of your mobile phone number_Declaration"

*註Remarks: 上述文件總大小不可超過10mb,如UNICEF HK因附件大小超過上限而無法收到補充文件,則當作申請未完成論。Please keep the file size below 10mb. 



1. 請填寫此表格,並於限期前電郵遞交指定文件至[email protected]。 

2. 有關你申請的資料及安排將以電郵通知,請時常留意電郵。

3. 最新資訊會在「UNICEF HK GenAction」的Facebook及Instagram專頁更新。

4. 如需修改資料,可以電郵聯絡UNICEF HK,請勿重複提交申請。


查詢電郵:[email protected] 查詢電話:2836 2910


Notes for Application

1. Please complete this form and follow the instruction in "Document Submission Procedure" to submit the documents to [email protected]

2. All programme related information and arrangement regarding your application will be notified by email; please check your email regularly.

3. Programme updates will be also released on the UNICEF HK GenAction's Facebook Page & Instagram.

4. Please contact UNICEF HK via email if you have to correct any information submitted, DO NOT re-submit your application.


Email: [email protected] Tel: 2836 2910


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There are 77 questions in this survey.